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5 Furnace Maintenance Tips For Winter

March 11, 20237 min read

5 Essential Tips to Keep Your Furnace Running Efficiently and Effectively This Winter - From Cleaning Filters to Scheduling a Professional Inspection

As the weather starts to cool off, it's time to start thinking about furnace maintenance. Here are our top 5 tips to keep your furnace in tip-top shape this fall:

1. Schedule a professional inspection. Once a year, it's a good idea to have a professional come and take a look at your furnace to make sure everything is in working order.

2. Clean or replace your air filters. This is something you can do yourself and it's important to do on a regular basis (every 1-3 months) to ensure optimal airflow and efficiency.

3. Vacuum around the furnace. Again, this is something you can do yourself to help keep your furnace running smoothly. Be sure to vacuum any dust or debris that has accumulated around the unit.

4. Check the flue pipe for blockages. The flue pipe carries dangerous gases away from your home, so it's important that it be clear of any obstructions. If you notice any blockages, contact a professional immediately.

5 Educate yourself on how to use your furnace's emergency shut off switch.

Schedule an annual furnace inspection and tune-up with a qualified technician

It is important to schedule annual furnace inspections and tune-ups with qualified HVAC technicians to keep your furnace in the best condition. During an inspection, technicians can identify existing or potential problems and recommend necessary repairs. A qualified technician will check oven sensors, dust filters, and conduct a comprehensive performance test during the tuneup. An annual tune-up ensures your furnace runs safely, efficiently, and optimally - reducing energy costs and lengthening the operating life of your furnace. Don’t forget to regularly schedule your yearly HVAC maintenance as it saves time, money and energy over the long run.

At Northbay Comfort, we understand the importance of scheduling regular HVAC maintenance visits to keep your furnace in tip-top condition. That's why we offer our annual HVAC Maintenance Plan. This plan includes two preventative maintenance visits a year that are conducted by one of our qualified technicians. During these visits, our technician will thoroughly inspect and clean your furnace to ensure it is operating efficiently and correctly. We also offer discounts on parts and repairs, priority emergency service, and a 20% discount on any additional services you may need throughout the year. Contact us today to learn more about our HVAC Maintenance Plan and how we can help keep your furnace in great shape. 

Inspect and clean your furnace's filters monthly

Taking the time to inspect and replace air filters in your furnace can help to dramatically improve the Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in your home. A lot of us forget how much of an impact these filters have on the quality of our air which can leave us scratching our heads when trying to diagnose strange indoor smells or illnesses seemingly out of nowhere. Making furnace maintenance a priority by doing quick inspections and replacing air filters every month won't only keep your home smelling fresher, but it'll also ensure that you're breathing clean and safe air. Furnace air quality has the potential to make a massive difference for those living indoors, so don't be afraid to take proactive steps to make sure your family is safe from airborne contaminants!

Cleaning your furnace's filter can have a big impact on the heating in your home. Not only does it help to keep indoor air quality high, but it also helps to ensure that heat is distributed evenly throughout your home. When dirt and debris accumulate in the filter, they can block airflow which reduces efficiency and causes temperatures to fluctuate. Cleaning or replacing the filter regularly will help maintain consistent temperatures as well as reducing energy costs and extending the life of your furnace. Additionally, dirty filters put extra strain on other parts of the system such as motors and fans which can lead to costly repairs down the road. Taking a few minutes each month to inspect and clean or replace your furnace's filter is an easy way to save money while helping you breathe easier all year long!

Keep the area around your furnace clean and free of clutter

Keeping the area around your furnace clean is important for a variety of reasons. Not only will it make the area look more inviting and aesthetically pleasing, but it can also prevent buildup of dust and lint that could become fuel for a fire if it comes in contact with your furnace's heat exhausts. Additionally, reducing clutter also helps to ensure that you can easily spot any suspicious smoke or odor emanating from your unit to seek help from a qualified technician as soon as possible. Taking this preventative step not only saves you money in repairs down the road, but also helps to protect you and your family from potential dangerous situations.

One effective way to keep a furnace clean is by vacuuming around it regularly with an attachment specifically designed for this purpose. This will help remove dust buildup which can cause clogs in vents or exhausts if left unchecked. Additionally, taking time to wipe down any exposed surfaces with a damp cloth also helps prevent dirt from accumulating as well as removing any potential fire hazards such as lint or debris that could be near heat sources. By doing these simple tasks on a regular basis you'll help maintain optimal performance while reducing wear-and-tear on other parts of the system over time.

Check the flue pipe for blockages

The flue pipe is an important part of every home's HVAC system, as it regulates the fumes produced during combustion and helps to prevent carbon monoxide leakage. The location of the flue pipe depends on the type of furnace you have in your home, but typically they are located either inside or outside near the top of a chimney. If blockages occur in this pipe, it can cause dangerous levels of carbon monoxide to enter your home and should be cleared immediately. In order to safely clear any blockages from your flue pipe, you should always consult with a professional technician who is trained in handling these types of situations. Additionally, regular inspections by a qualified technician can help identify any potential problems before they become serious issues down the line. Taking proactive steps like these will ensure that your furnace maintains optimal performance while keeping your family safe all year long.

Educate yourself on how to use your furnace's emergency shut-off switch

Knowing how to use the emergency shut-off switch for your furnace can be a lifesaver in an emergency situation. Learning how to locate and operate the lever is essential and should be part of your safety planning when it comes to using any heating system in your home. Knowing in advance how the switch works can save precious time during an urgent shutdown or if you need to turn off the heater while investigating an issue with the system. It's important that everyone in your household understand how to find and activate this key component, so consider setting aside some family time for a quick lesson. Encourage dialogue that discusses real life scenarios, such as an unpleasant smell coming from the heat vents, so that everyone clearly understands what is expected of them should a crisis arise.

The location of a furnace’s emergency shut off switch can vary based on the model, whether it is powered by electricity or gas, as well as the age and type of building in which it is installed. Generally speaking, however, the switch is typically located near the furnace itself, either on the wall or ceiling. In some cases, the switch may be hidden or disguised, so it’s important to take the time to familiarize yourself with your unit’s layout and potential hiding spots for this life-saving device. If you are unsure of where the switch is located, contact a qualified technician who can provide you with detailed instructions on how to find and operate it.

An annual furnace inspection and tune-up is important to ensure your furnace is operating efficiently and safely. Between appointments, you can extend the life of your furnace by regularly checking and replacing filters, keeping the area around it clean, and being familiar with the emergency shut-off switch. By following these simple tips, you can create a safer home environment while also saving money on energy bills.

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